Getting Started

Open Science is a movement for greater transparency and openness in science, which is increasingly having an impact on everyday scientific work and life in all disciplines. Open science activities are not limited to providing open scientific knowledge (e.g. through open access, open data, open source, open methodology, open educational resources, etc.) using open science infrastructures, but in addition emphasize accelerating an open dialogue and open engagement with societal actors (e.g. through citizen and participatory science, inclusion of marginalized scholars, etc.). Many different Open Science building blocks along the human subject research process exist and the building blocks can be used in several phases of the research process. Since the Open Science field is developing rapidly, the figure below does not claim to be complete.

Getting started in open science is challenging because it requires a deep understanding of the different techniques and tools. Furthermore, it requires a cultural shift towards openness and transparency. The Open Science Portal supports entry into the world of Open Science with a dedicated focus on human subject research. We provide the following offers on the portal:

  • The Glossary provides clear definitions of specialized terms, ensuring consistent understanding and communication within the context of Open Science for Human Subject Research.
  • The Online Course supports novices to enter the field of Open Science. 
  • Furthermore, to successfully implement the Open Science building blocks in the human subject research process, there is a need for Open Science services in the form of tools and infrastructures in addition to an understanding of the underlying building block approach.